Built Environment
Our experienced consultants are experts on sustainable design and construction strategies, building performance analysis, ecology appraisal and enhancement, and environmental assessment. With over 15 years’ experience of working closely with our clients in the built environment we are trusted to provide expert solutions for a variety of project needs.
Leaving No Stone Unturned
Find out how our multidisciplinary team of experts can ensure your have everything covered for sustainable building projects.
Integrate sustainability into your projects from the start and avoid careless reliance on landfill, high carbon footprints and low sustainability materials.
Understand the perspective of various stakeholders about the function of your building, its efficiency and what needs improving.
Protect notable species of flora and fauna with Protected Species Surveys and Licensing, Bat Surveys, Tree Surveys, Arboricultural Method Statements and more.
Evaluate the total environmental impact of your product or project with Life Cycle Assessments.
Our Services
Real Estate ESG
We can help you establish a real estate ESG framework that outlines ambitious but achievable targets whilst also diving into the detail of what will deliver tangible impact, and be verified by independent third parties.
Related Insights
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Building The Future: How new standards are shaping the built environment in 2025
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