
Our experts conduct thorough species and habitat assessments tailored to your site, protecting wildlife and enabling it to thrive. We offer an all-inclusive approach as our experts offer a range of assessments that means your full biodiversity needs are met. Whether it be for your ESG strategy, planning applications or entire building portfolio, our team partner with you to create positive and healthy ecosystems.

Biodiversity, Ecology, Tree and Protected Species Surveys for Planning

Preserving the natural world is vital for the environment and your development. For planning applications, you’ll need ecological surveys at the earliest stage for a smooth and efficient process.  We offer a range of ecology surveys that consider a wide variety of habitats and species. We undertake tree surveys reviewing impact and mitigation on all kinds of development challenges. 

When it comes to protected species, our qualified ecologists have experience with everything from breeding birds and bats to reptiles and badgers and can offer authoritative support and assessment on protection status, activity patterns and other related development considerations. We advise on how to avoid, mitigate and compensate for protected species so that you can risk assess your development and deliver the necessary plans that comply with regulation and achieve a healthy ecosystem.  

Ecological Surveys include:

  • Protected Species Surveys such as Breeding Birds, Bats, Water Voles, White Clawed Crayfish, Badgers, Great Crested Newts, Reptiles, Dormice
  • Pre-Acquisition Tree and Biodiversity Surveys
  • BS 5837:2012 Tree Surveys, EIA, HRA  and Tree Constraints Plans
  • Arboricultural Implication Assessments (AIAs)
  • Arboricultural Method Statements and Tree Protection Plans
  • Ecological Impact Assessment (ECIA)
  • Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA)
  • Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys

Ecology for BREEAM

All our ecologists are BREEAM specialists, so we can expertly identify opportunities where your project can increase ecological value, and therefore maximise BREEAM credits at its design stage.

Biodiversity Metrics: Biodiversity Net Gain and Urban Greening Factor

The protection and enhancement of biodiversity should be a key consideration for every potential development. We carry out comprehensive biodiversity calculations at your site and then work closely with all the teams on your project to ensure habitat retention, enhancement and creation is delivering a 10% Biodiversity Net Gain to meet the Environment Act which is becoming mandatory in 2023. There is a requirement to show a measurable gain and we can work with the team testing a several calculation scenarios to facilitate a design led approach. If your plan needs approval from the Greater London Authority you’ll need to undertake calculations for the Urban Greening Factor for both residential and commercial developments and this can be completed simultaneously.

Mitigation and Management Plans

Making plans to minimise your ecological impact is a crucial part of the construction phase of a project. We carry out a range of assessments to help you understand the impact you’re making, how you can reduce it, and the measures you can take to positively enhance the ecological status of your site.

Surveys include:

  • Ecological Constraints and Opportunities (ECOP)
  • Ecological Clerk of Works (ECOW)
  • Management Plans (LEMP and CEMP)
  • Biodiversity Management Plans
  • Construction Educational Workshops

Habitat Regulations Assessments and Appropriate Assessment

We have a team of ecologists who can undertake Habitat Regulations Assessments including relating to Nutrient Neutrality, water extraction, recreational and bats. Any development project which has the potential to have a ‘likely significant effect’ on a European designated site in England and Wales may be subject to a Habitat Regulations Assessment. The Habitat Regulations Assessment is submitted to the Competent Authority who decide where there is enough evidence to conclude that the development project will not have an adverse effect on the site’s integrity.

Built Environment

Integrate sustainability into your projects from the start and avoid careless reliance on landfill, high carbon footprints and low sustainability materials.

Ensure your business is complying with environmental regulations and certify how you are currently performing.

Understand the perspective of various stakeholders about the function of your building, its efficiency and what needs improving.

Evaluate the total environmental impact of your product or project with Life Cycle Assessments.

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